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4970 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Thu, 13 April 2023 06:25 «» By: Andrey_R
No SCN in controlfile after BACKUP TO TRACE
…DBAs, I've lived my DBA life so far knowing that the Control file contains among the rest the SCN of the database, So it can manage the Backup & Recovery mechanism as well as the recovery during any startup & Recovery operations. …
2 Forum: Data Guard «» Posted on: Thu, 28 September 2023 01:25 «» By: LIPEKA
RMAN-00554 RMAN-04006
…am new to this and practicing Dataguard. I am unable to connect to standby(SALESPRDSBY ) to duplicate standby database. Using one computer(on this example). Primary               &…
3 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Thu, 07 September 2023 18:45 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Other way to get the Schema Size other than dba_segments view
… SYS@XE_21.> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_total_clob_size  2    (p_owner  IN VARCHAR2)  3    RETURN    NUMBER  4  AS  5    v_size   …
4 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 09 March 2022 09:47 «» By: Andrey_R
… Cursor sharing is exact, so I tend to think this is not the case So if I go and check the parameters: SQL> show parameter db_cache_size NAME TYPE VALUE…
5 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Tue, 08 March 2022 06:50 «» By: Andrey_R
…all, I've found that in a prod environment there is a difficulty querying v$SQL , as it gets inflated by many records. I did SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. SQL> And 1 day after I see: SQL> select …
6 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Wed, 09 August 2023 00:09 «» By: HasnainAli
Background Image set Size
…HI, A.O.A I create a form for main menu and import a image background image in form when my form run then set the state of window and mdi set to maximize but my background image show in half of the form how can i set the size of image to show on …
7 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Thu, 06 July 2023 09:41 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: RMAN restore - only DB backup ( no SF\CF\archivelog backup )
… Thanks John. I tried to do something similar, but wasn't sure it made sense, and also was hitting some errors, possibly doing other stuff wrong.. So trying now with some more awareness this time : C:\Users\Administrator>oradim -new -sid …
8 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 17 January 2024 07:57 «» By: Darth Waiter
VSIZE() function's meaning and physical storage size
…from MS SQL background, I am a bit confused about the physical storage of data types in Oracle. In MS SQL, all I need to know to determine how many bytes a column occupies on disk is to look in MSDN at the table with data types, their length parameters, …
9 Forum: Security «» Posted on: Wed, 06 March 2024 16:34 «» By: Darth Waiter
Max string size for regular users
…I try to run the below query under a regular user account it fails because the table does not exist. SELECT value FROM sys.v$parameter WHERE name = 'max_string_size' Do regular users have to try to use long varchar2 columns and fail, to establish that…
10 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 28 September 2023 15:06 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Inserted JSON into Column is being Truncated
…problem with your original code, aside from the strange SQL*Plus errors that I got, was that it was trying to pass data in a manner that requires varchar2 or raw which are subject to the following limits: varchar2: "Maximum size: 4000 bytes, or …
11 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 06 September 2023 17:44 «» By: wtolentino
Other way to get the Schema Size other than dba_segments view
…Basically, whenever there is a request from our application development group to get the size of the schema. I always use this query: select ds.owner, sum(ds.bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as "Size in GB"  from dba_segments ds group by ds.…
12 Forum: Server Utilities «» Posted on: Sun, 16 June 2024 12:41 «» By: orHooha
Not able to run expdp
…Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release Export: Release - Production Hi, We've been having a problem generating an export for a database DOCT1, on a RAC.  We get errors about job resource synchronization. There seems …
13 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Fri, 08 September 2023 00:43 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Other way to get the Schema Size other than dba_segments view
… This is not consistent, one side (dba_segments) you count segment size and the other side (get_total_clob_size) you count data size. Maybe just something like: SQL> select owner, sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as "Size in GB"  2  …
14 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Fri, 14 October 2022 06:23 «» By: John Watson
XE ORA-12954: The request exceeds the maximum allowed database size of 12 GB
…have a problem: an 18c XE database that has reached the 12GB limit. My job is to extract everything and transfer it into a properly licensed 19c SE2 environment, but Data Pump fails:-bash-4.2$ expdp \"sys/oracle@xepdb1 as sysdba\" directory=dump…
15 Forum: Data Guard «» Posted on: Thu, 28 September 2023 13:30 «» By: LIPEKA
Re: RMAN-00554 RMAN-04006
… This is exactly your problem: you do not have not have password file authentication working. You need to recreate the password file for the primary, copy it for the standby, and then show that you can connect (or not) through the tnsnames aliases. Please…
16 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sun, 12 March 2023 01:30 «» By: mape
XML parsing performance
… I would like to know if its a possible to make a better performance over XML parse query ? I have xml loaded in the table as BLOB (13MB). When I run xml parse query, it takes a pretty long time to process (about 7seconds). Number of parsing lines …
17 Forum: Data Guard «» Posted on: Sat, 11 February 2023 11:31 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: RMAN-06820 on rman backup from standby with OS authentication
…you actually do the test, rather than merely speculating, it may become clear that the datafile backup is 100% useless without the redo required to make it consistent. That's a fair point. So I did: - Install Oracle 19c EE, no PDB, on Windows Server…
18 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 29 September 2022 12:26 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
…"solutions" are not correct, mainly in the consistency of the work. First wtolentino's one (after creating the objects): SQL> insert into test_load_tab values ('WTOLENTINO','TEST_STAT_TAB','In-Process','Test 1'); gather stats on table …
19 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 06 June 2022 04:16 «» By: John Watson
Re: ORA-02270 on FK creation attempt
…recursive calls, and most of the block reads, are because of parsing: you have to run the statement at least twice, without flushing the shared pool, to get the IO for the statement itself:orclz> orclz> set autot trace stat orclz> create unique…
20 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Tue, 08 March 2022 07:29 «» By: John Watson
…opinion (which is open to debate) is that shared_pool_reserved_size is an historical anomaly. In the Old Days, objects loaded into the shared pool required contiguous memory, so it could get fragmented into all sorts of odd sized bits. Reserving part of …
21 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 07 August 2023 01:19 «» By: chat2raj.s
I see Maximum size is: 32767 bytes or characters if MAX_STRING_SIZE = EXTENDED. I need more size than this.
22 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Wed, 19 July 2023 01:32 «» By: Andrey_R
PITR with RMAN not working
…DBAs, I need to restore the database to a point in time - 14:00 29th of May 2023. I got: - 3 RMAN database backup files from that date taken at 11:00 in the morning - All Archive logs created on the 29th of May 2023 The backups: RMAN&…
23 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Thu, 27 October 2022 03:32 «» By: esirenko
Understanding UNDO 11g
…Guys, Couple of month ago i faced UNDO issue at my database. Now it is always full and system ask to add some space. I have added another 32GB autoextensible file now it is 32+32+32, but in a couple days, situation repeated. Previously i just ajusted…
24 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 06 June 2022 03:09 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: ORA-02270 on FK creation attempt
… Many thanks, always a pleasure to hear your input and conceptual point of view on things. I tried to see if I can do a comparison testcase ( Please forgive, and feel free to correct me if I got stuff inaccurate ): SQL> SQL> drop table …
25 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Tue, 01 March 2022 07:57 «» By: patdev
Re: RMAN resotre/clone to new server
…is the new log: Tue Mar 01 07:48:29 2022 Starting ORACLE instance (normal) (OS id: 3552) Tue Mar 01 07:48:29 2022 CLI notifier numLatches:13 maxDescs:853 Tue Mar 01 07:48:29 2022…
26 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Wed, 03 April 2024 10:33 «» By: wtolentino
Table Statistics Keep Getting Stale
…had already collect a statistics on this table AQ$_NOTICE_QTABLE_C and lock the statistics on it. Yet after a couple of days when we run the SQL advisor it will tell us that the stats are stale. Optimizer statistics for table "CCFSRVDBA".&…
27 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 18 January 2024 15:06 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: VSIZE() function's meaning and physical storage size
… The answer depends on the data type. DATE, TIMESTAMP, CHAR... have a fixed storage size. VARCHAR2, NUMBER (and its subtypes)... have a storage size that depends on the value. If I add 3 rows in my previous table: SQL> insert into t values (99, …
28 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 18 January 2024 09:49 «» By: Frank
Re: VSIZE() function's meaning and physical storage size
…at this from a technical/DBA side it is merely impossible to predict the size of rows. Apart from number columns, "text" columns typically are stored as varchar2, which (only) define a max size. If you have no functional knowledge of the …
29 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 04 October 2023 13:31 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Power Shell script to send alert
… The part "powershell script to send email alerts" is not an Oracle question. It is easy to create a SQL script which outputs, for instance, tablespace_name + %used space for tablespaces that exceed your threshold (see DBA_DATA_FILES), to …
30 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 31 July 2023 22:46 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to Delimit the Large comma separated string - Oracle Procedure
…following is a copy of what I posted on the OTN forum in response to the same question. It works for me, as demonstrated below. So, …
31 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 31 July 2023 21:10 «» By: born2achieve
How to Delimit the Large comma separated string - Oracle Procedure
… I am working in Oracle 12C and passing comma separated list from my C# program to Oracle procedure and wanted to delimit the string and wanted to pass use this in dynamic sql. i am using CLOB in procedure to receive this from C# and Created a below …
32 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Sun, 28 May 2023 07:03 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: Cannot force indexing on alert log query
… Thanks Michel, much appreciated. Per the B-T website, I acknowledged that I need to check anything I get from the WWW, especially from non-official sources, However, sometimes it's hard to get info from official sources, or figure out how to get your …
33 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 18 May 2023 07:41 «» By: Solomon Yakobson
Re: check all the distinct value match
…recognize solution assuming there are no call types between INC and OUT if we order by call type like it is in the sample: INC, OUT, SMS. In addition, I assume call_number is not null: select  *  from  call_details  …
34 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Mon, 20 March 2023 21:53 «» By: avtaritet
convert xml column value into columns
…i have a question. when checking execution plan notes from v$sql_plan.other_xml column i want to convert each value into one column forexample if i run below query SELECT 'sql_profile ' || extractvalue(xmlval, '/*/info[@type = "sql_profile&…
35 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 09 March 2023 02:49 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: Different UTC time from SYSDATE on different databases
… Right. But sometimes when you want to standardize an approach to different shops, you don't have the luxury of standardizing all shops to have auditing on, yet the requirement to have the correct logon time information with any localization …
36 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Fri, 10 February 2023 05:17 «» By: ladyoracle
Oracle cannot open database
…all. I've faced with a problem: database is mounted but not opened. SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 1610609384 bytes Fixed Size 9028328 bytes Variable Size 520093696 bytes Database …
37 Forum: Reports & Discoverer «» Posted on: Mon, 26 December 2022 10:41 «» By: M17
Re: The frame with the total amount is separated from the above repeating frame.
…is a sample page 1 +----+------+------+----+ |trn | from | to |amnt| +----+------+------+----+ 1 pointA pointB 7.00 name A name B some txt vari descr able size (1-3 rows…
38 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Sat, 29 October 2022 10:51 «» By: John Watson
Re: Why *is* my index used?
…must have something odd in your environment. I've already made couple of suggestions. You could try 1. Drop any copies of the plan_table 2. Delete all your object statistics 3. Gather stats with default sample size (you should NEVER use …
39 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Wed, 19 October 2022 14:46 «» By: wtolentino
gather statistics on partition table
…run a stats on a partition table with using this package and parameters: dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (ownname => 'WR', tabname => 'WR_CSE_MEM_MTH_SMRY', partname=> 'WR_CSE_MEM_MTH_202209…
40 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 29 September 2022 12:38 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: trigger executing a procedure to execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
…one correct way to do is: SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_load_pro (pTableOwner VARCHAR2, 2 pTableName VARCHAR2) 3 AS 4 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; 5 BEGIN 6 DBMS_STATS.…
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